The Curse of the God Learners
(alias: Jumaltietäjien kirous)
System: Phoenix: Dawn Command
Deltakere: 1 GM, 1-4 players
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"The God Learners, dear reader, are a cautionary tale. A Second Age seafaring empire, the God Learners believed that myths were things they could rewrite, retell and synthesize at will. To them human rationality – reason – was superior to the myth. They thought the Universe could be studied and understood. In the end, it destroyed them!”
This is a war game, a game about death, its about giving death a meaning – think 300 movie!
The game is the Phoenix: Dawn Command box campaign's reskin: set in Glorantha. The Phoenix Empire is the Island of Teleos where some God Learnes found Refuge from the Curse.
In Ropecon 2018, we play the short introductory scenario "The Harvest".
Styles: Character driven, Combat driven
Genre: Fantasy
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Ropecon (2018) |
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