Beyond the Halflight Path
System: Pathfinder Society
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-6 players
The game will be played in Finnish or, if necessary, in English.
The sprawling maze of Caverns and tunnels beneath the Hilltop city of Kaer Maga are home to a host of dangers and mysteries. A dedicated group of guards called the Duskwardens is responsible for protecting Kaer Magans and visitors alike from everything that lurks below. Despite the Duskwardens' best efforts, the influence of one of the Vaults has been spreading on to the Streets of Kaer Maga. It falls to a group of Pathfinder Society agents to navigate the Factions of Kaer Maga to access and strike at the heart of the lurking threat.
Peli vedetään suomeksi, tai tarvittaessa englanniksi.
The sprawling maze of caverns and tunnels beneath the hilltop city of Kaer Maga are home to a host of dangers and mysteries. A dedicated group of guards called the Duskwardens is responsible for protecting Kaer Magans and visitors alike from everything that lurks below. Despite the Duskwardens' best efforts, the influence of one of the vaults has been spreading on to the streets of Kaer Maga. It falls to a group Pathfinder Society agents to navigate the factions of Kaer Maga to access and strike at the heart of the lurking threat.
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Ropecon (2018) |
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