Nuclear Strike: Wacky Race 2020
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-5 players
Patrik Renholm |
After a yet-to-be-determined end of the world scenario which will definitely turn the world into a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland by the year 2020 a group of mutants, freaks and weirdos join a strange race where everything is allowed and the only rule is that the rules don't matter.
A light-hearted gonzo action adventure featuring tactical combat, heedless adventure and weird mutants, heavily inspired by Gamma World and Nuclear Throne.
Attribuutit: Taisteluvetoinen / Combat driven, Kevyet säännöt / Rules light, Kevyt pelityyli / Light gamestyle, Huumori / Humor
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Ropecon (2017) |
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