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Goetia - Night of One Hundred Demons

System: LARP
Deltakere: 70 players


ArrangørKol Ford
ArrangørRebel Rehbinder


Europe gathered in secret to carry out a series of arcane experiments in the British countryside. Each devoted to a specific Goetic demon outlined in the lesser key of Solomon they developed personal relationships with their demonic familiar in preparation for a grand summoning. Twenty one servants were carefully selected and given a fallen angel to study in preparation for the grand summoning.

At the Night of 100 Demons the occultists would allow themselves to be possessed by the seventy two Goetic Demons while the serving staff were to be possessed by their fallen angel thralls. This would allow them to discover exactly what deals were made on the night the angels fell from heaven and negotiated for a place in their new home in hell. In the morning they would exchange notes and discuss paranormal possession while enjoying the country manor in preparation for night to fall and the ritual to begin again.

None of the occultists were ever seen again.

Antall ganger spilt 🗺️

19. - 23. oktober 2023🗺️Ingestre Hall, Storbritannia


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