Nighthawks: 33
System: LARP
Deltakere: 8-12 players
✏️ | Malcolm Campbell |
Malcolm Campbell |
Inspired by the rpg "Night Witches", but in a setting rather similar to the Battlestar Galactica (BSG) reboot – a rag-tag collection of civilian and military pilots try to defend the Battleship Castor against never ending Enemy attacks. The Castor is already badly damaged, and pilots stay in their spacesuits the whole time in the flight deck area - limiting communication to radio channels (audio only), and conversations between two people when they are close enough to see each other’s faces (2 person video channels)
Military fighter pilots rub shoulders with former civilians, flying both fighters and jump-capable Nighthawk shuttles to defend the Castor. Tensions bubble among the pilots, especially as the rumour is that one of them might be a traitor working for the enemy.
Character templates provided in advance, with scope to personalise relationships. Those who played "Nighthawks: The Run for Ragnar" at Lucky Consequences may be able to play the same character. Ask me.
The game begins with an attack on the Castor - played out solely as the radio chatter between pilots in response to text prompts - the attack lasting 10 minutes. Players are free to decide the impact on their characters - stress, injury, ejecting and hoping a Nighthawk can rescue you, or even death. Then there will be exactly 33 minutes of play on the Castor. Then another attack. Repeat. At the end of game - we’ll decide what happens to the Castor.
All characters are written without specifIed gender. Character relationships are defined by how positive or negative they are - players may choose to make these romantic, platonic or otherwise as they agree between them.
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Otherworldly Consequences (2021) |
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