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Truly, Madly, Deeply - a Divorce Story

Forside til Truly, Madly, Deeply - a Divorce Story

System: Blackbox LARP


✏️Linton Kennegård
✏️Mina Svärd


This larp is about the kind of break up that changes everything, even the past. It explores the destructive dynamics between two parents during and after divorce and how conflict has become the essence of their new relationship. By playing the conflict in reverse, the players get to unfold, and maybe even untangle, the reasons and emotions that have made them lose sight of things more important than themselves.

The larp is played in pairs, with high intensity and close intimacy. Mina and Linton have drawn inspiration for this larp from their work as divorce attorneys specialised in child custody cases.

This larp is about divorce. How it changes one of the most important relationships of our lives into something else. Divorce is an event that changes the past, retroactively creating its own causes; reshaping the rules of what is possible.

We do not believe divorce to be inherently evil, for a lot of people it is breaking free of something destructive, or the beginning of a more fulfilling life. Divorce, just as love, is only violent in a strictly formal sense, in that it disrupts reality. This does make divorce extraordinary, but it does not necessarily make it bad.

Most people go through divorce and move on. With or without any lasting connection to their former partner. Some remain friends, some not. Some become enemies, some not. Usually, however, divorce is the end.

This larp is not about that.

This larp is about what happens when a messy breakup turns even worse, and conflict engulfs every part of the new relationship that emerges when two persons formerly in love pass through divorce.

What happens when there is no choice whether to sever the connection to your former partner, though you do not wish for anything else? What happens when you cannot wait to have them out of your life, but your lives are forever connected through parenthood?

The larp consists of three acts and six monologues (three per player). The larp starts with each player sitting in their lawyers office explaining why the other player is unfit to be a parent. From that point we go backwards in time.

Act 1 depicts the last stage of the divorce when the players are intertwined in a deep and bloody conflict with each other.

Act 2 is about the stage after divorce when the players’ charaters are trying to cope with the separation and loss of the former relationship.

Act 3 takes place long before the divorce when the players are still in love.

The larp ends in a monoluge where the players gets to describe why they think that the other parent would be a good parent, and why they’ve choosen to bring a child into the world with them.

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Blackbox Cph (2023)
Grenselandet (2023)
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)

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