From the Ashes; the Last Climate Crisis
System: Blackbox LARP
Deltakere: 6-12 players
✏️ | Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer |
In the future, grandparents tell their children and grandchildren about the time of choices and reluctance. They tell of snowy winter days and calm starry summer nights and explain how everything changed. Through storytelling under blankets, sowing seeds for every new beginning, as well as sharing art and hope, generations find a new way forward for society. This larp isn’t just about climate grief and sorrow. It is about hope, will, and togetherness. It is about building from the position you’ve been put in and creating a future you want to pass on to the next generation. All players will play characters who will grow up, die, and be reborn in different cycles. This is about building from the ashes.
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Blackbox Cph (2023) |
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