Snuggle Bunny Ring Wraiths (Television Gone Wrong)
System: LARP
✏️ | Mike Young |
This game was written in negative five minutes, from 1:15 AM to 1:10 AM during a game called The Dimension Next Door (by Overage Gifted Children). It was inspired by three characters in the game, Sauron and the two Snugglebunnies. You see, after Sauron was defeated in the game, he was sent to rehabilitate on the planet of the Snugglebunnies. This game explores that fateful day.
The game lasts for a varying length of time, although not longer than 5 minutes, and ends shortly after Sauron opens his second envelope. Feel free to push the Snugglebunnies into "attacking" Sauron if they are ignoring him. After running the game for the first time, I was taken to task for Merry Bunny. The Snugglebunnies were a syrupy sweet, brilliantly executed parody of bad children's TV. I had taken that parody and twisted it into a dark, evil satire. I threw in Merry Bunny, the only female Snugglebunny to make fun of the fact that many children's TV shows had only one female character. Basically, the TV shows in question were trying to make each character unique: the smart one, the strong one, the funny one, and so on. By making a character unique by being female, it is essentially saying that women cannot be strong, smart, funny, or what have you, and that women are different. This is sexist.
If you are offended by Merry Bunny, feel free to use the replacement Merry Bunny at the end of the characters. In fact, if any portion of this game offends you, please feel free to change or not use that part.
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