Trick or Treat (Hordes of Fun)
System: LARP
✏️ | Mike Young |
Last ned
Scenarie [engelsk] | (0,1 MB) |
Trick or Treat is a game of fast paced, quickly changing interactive scenes. It is ideally used to hone improv skills and thinking on your feet. The encounters should happen quickly and only last a minute or two. Trick or treat is not a serious game and should be taken in a lighthearted manner.
Trick or Treat is a horde game. A horde game has a core set of player characters and a horde of non player characters. The NPCs come and go, but the PCs remain throughout the game.
To play the game, you’ll need 4 people to play the trick-or-treaters, one of which should be male, and at least 3 people to play the neighbors. The scenario is simple: It’s Halloween and Tom is taking his two kids and a neighbor’s kid out to get candy.
This game was created and run at the Microgame Mania panel at Intercon 11.5. Thanks to all who participated.
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