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Space Wheel

Forside til Space Wheel

(alias: Astro Majority - Hot spots in space)

Deltakere: 2-4 players

Arrangert av

Uptime Games


DesignerMagnus Karlsson (Boardgame designer)


Try to control space in this conflict game, adjusting your strategy to the current set of hot spots.

60 min

To start we have Astro Majority - Hot spots in space, a conflict game that forces you to adjust your strategy with the current hot spots. There are some euro heritage but don't be fooled, you will have direct conflict and must play the diplomatic game to win.

Current prototype suits 3-4 player and the aim is to play in 60-90 minutes.

Previous iteration of this was known as Space Wheel, although the name didn't justify the actual game play.

Tried out Midjourney to create a little more compelling title image then my regular two color icon variants.

Kom och testa Uptime Games konfliktspel Astro Majority! Det unika här är att du inte kan anfalla var som helst utan måste se till att utnyttja de hot spots som dyker upp i universum till din fördel. Har jag sagt att det är ett konfliktspel, glöm inte det!

Finns i speldesignerrummet T2!

Spilt på

LinCon (2022)
Malmö Protospiel 2022 (2022)
LinCon (2023)
NorrCon 3 (2023)

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