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We were missed dearly...once

Forside til We were missed dearly...once

System: Kult: Divinity Lost
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3 players


ArrangørAri S


The night sky is lit by the twitching of lightning and the sound of heavy rain muffles the cracking of branches under your feet as you struggle through the dense forest. Your lungs burn and your limbs ache, the torches can still be seen in the distance, but only a few more steps and you will soon lose them. Where are you fleeing from? A prison? A closed mental institution? Or from the clutches of a cult? And how did you escape? And above all, who are you? Let's play to find out.

This is a besides the given scene above a fully improvised session of Kult: Divinity Lost. We will fill out the Character sheets in the initial scene through the conversation and will let the dice decide where the story leads us. Please only sign up if you are comfortable with a heavy improvised play style.

Login forward to have you at my (digital) table :-)

Content Warnings: cleared individual in pre-game discussion

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The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)

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