Brennandi vikingar
System: Burning Wheel
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
✏️ | Tommi Brander |
You robbed and a burned a monastery in Ireland and have now come back, with some riches, though not as many as you had hoped, and a number of thralls. But not all is well at home: There are tensions among the villagers and with the local Sápmi, rumours about a man-eating ogre, and some of those thralls worship the White Christ. We play members of the community to see which issues are resolved and how. The game will be run in English or Norwegian/Scandinavic. Previous knowledge of Burning wheel is not required. Should you want to play a particular type of character, or have a character of your own, take contact well ahead of time at
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MidgardCon VI (2022) |
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