The Death of Chivalry
System: LARP
Deltakere: 8-14 players
✏️ | Christine Lamb |
Woody Bevan | |
Christine Lamb |
The Death of Chivalry is a 2 act short larp set against the background of Arthurian Legend. A group of knights meet to create the fellowship of the Round Table with lofty ideals and noble intent.
Years later, these knights will meet again on the eve of the final battle with the forces of evil. They have broken all of the promises that they made to themselves, and to each other. Can they reconcile before the final battle, or are the wounds too deep?
This is a 2 act larp where players portray legendary chivalrous Knights and their rise to and fall from grace . In the first act, the players collaborate to build their ideal Chivalric code through tales of their deeds and heroics. In the second act, the knights meet after many years apart and things have changed for the worse. They have to decide if the fellowship is worth saving and where their allegiance now lies.
Although in all of the writing the knights are male, in this larp the casting will be genderblind.
Content Warnings: This larp will focus heavily on interpersonal conflict with the potential for loud arguments and disagreements. There may also be potential for threats and challenges.
As this larp is written to be player led there may be themes that come up during play that people may not be comfortable with. This will be discussed within the larp as part of the workshop. This larp has the potential to have dark themes which still fit within the scope of the Smoke rules.
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The Smoke (2022) |
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