Gudarnas Vagn
(alias: Chariot of the Gods, Le chariot de feu)
System: ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game
✏️ | Andrew E.C Gaska |
Påskcon VIII (2022), Klockargården, Sävar, Sverige
Linus Råde |
Les Rencontres Rôlistes de l'X - XXV (2022), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Frankrike
EdenKahane |
SävCon XXI (2022), Sävar skola, Sverige
Linus Råde |
UK GamesExpo (2023), NEC and Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, Storbritannia
Alex Lane |
You are space truckers on the starfreighter USCSS Montero, running “the Gauntlet”-the trade route between Anchorpoint Station and the Frontier. Your ship’s cargo hold is packed with dozens of tanks of dangerous Tritium gas that is in the process of decaying into extremely profitable Helium-3. Usually, cargoes such as these are towed in massive tanked modules that transport much higher concentrations of the gas a safe distance from the freight hauler. The Montero isn’t rated as a commercial towing vehicle, however, and this small run is a special order for a Weyland-Yutani corporate account on Sutter’s World – a newly established Frontier colony. While the trip so far has been fairly routine, the Montero’s sensors developed a glitch before you left Anchorpoint and sporadically pinged contact with a sensor reflection before you activated the displacement drive and went FTL. Your cargo run so far has been without incident. Now you are just awakening from hypersleep, ready to deliver your goods to the colony of Sutter’s World
A cinematic and fast-paced game set in the Alien's universe. Plenty of betrayal and nail-biting moments.
Pre-gens provide and no knowledge of the system required.
C'était supposé être une simple mission de livraison. Un transport d'Hydrogen-3 vers une planète lointaine, la majorité du voyage sous cryogénisation.
L'argent aurait même permis au capitaine de racheter le vaisseau et de vraiment devenir des contracteurs indépendants de la compagnie.
Mais quand on s'est réveillé la seule chose qu'on a vue est une énorme forme noire qui nous fonçait dedans.
Ils sont morts... tous morts.
P.S : Aucune connaissance de l'univers est nécessaire
Ni är rymdfraktare på stjärnkryssaren USCSS Montero, fraktandes dussintals tankrar med farlig Tritium gas mellan Anchorpoint Stationen och Gränsen.
Ni har just vaknat ur hypersömnen, redo att leverera erat gods till Sutter’s Värld. Ännu en långtråkig resa mellan stjärnorna är på väg att sluta utan att något händer. Eller?
Välkomna till det första officiella cinematiska scenariot i Fria Ligans Alien RPG.
Spilt på
Påskcon VIII (2022) | |
Les Rencontres Rôlistes de l'X - XXV (2022) | |
SävCon XXI (2022) | |
♻ | UK GamesExpo (2023) |
♻ | Con-Ducked (2023) |
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