Bring me the head of Lady Saves
System: D&D 5th Edition
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players
Lady Saves - rogue Simic Combine disappearer; wanted across the Tenth District, has been hard to track down. But now you’ve got the evidence and the information to finally bring her to justice, you can be sure that she’s going to pull out all the stops now that she knows you’re on to her. Your Azorius Senate-led squad will have to explore deadly biotech laboratories, jury-rigged Izzet boilerhouses, and even take to the skies in order to capture her.
A 3rd-level adventure for D&D5e set in Ravnica, using the Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica setting. No miniatures used, and some narrative/player-led aspects to backgrounds will be involved. High pulp steampunk fun! Airships! Mad science! Hard-bitten noir paladin cops!
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AireCon 5 (2019) |
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