Eye of the Beast
System: Coriolis - The Third Horizon
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4-6 players
✏️ | Axel Widén |
Mark Threlfall |
The Colonial Agency has lost contact with the Foundation controlled Khifite extraction platform Zadaar. The Colonial Agency's Pascha of Operations Urzid K'lar has hired the crew for a simple mission. Find out what has happened to ZadaAR, and if possible bring it back online. A game of roleplaying, negotiation, mystery and intrigue on a strange and desolate planet. You are a crew of wanderers and seekers hoping for a brighter future. Can you help at Zadaar? The Characters for this game are Pre Generated and you will be given a choice of who you wish to play at the start.
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AireCon 7 (2022) |
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