Scattered: A Multiversal Adventure
System: LARP
✏️ | Chance J. Feldstein |
✏️ | Matthew Valentine |
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Scenarie [engelsk] | (0,3 MB) |
Styles of Play: Freeform larp, Larp, Letter Writing, Chat/Message, Streaming/Online Face to Face, Video/Transmedia, Performance (ie song, lipsynch, dance etc.), Arts & Crafts
Stranded and lost in vast, unfamiliar new worlds, how will you escape and become whole again?
"Scattered" is a game about exploration, separation from those we care about, and achieving communal success despite that separation. It incorporates live video chat (with optional text chat “thought bubbles”) for group roleplay, travelogue-based world creation, and sending postal mail for mutual support. This game could be playable for many weeks or months, depending on the challenge level and cycle length chosen by your group. It will generate up to as many worlds as the number of players, worlds that will feel complex and “lived-in” by the game’s end. Perhaps you’ll later use the worlds you create together to run other games, write fiction, inspire new costume and makeup ideas, or for whatever other projects you might imagine.
Tags: emergent, cyclical, cooperative, multi-genre
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Golden Cobra Challenge (2020) |
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