Re: That Rip in Time and Space, A Milton Neighborhood Watch Meeting
System: LARP
Deltakere: 4-6 players
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Red Star Games
✏️ | Elisa Ford |
Milton is a quiet neighborhood. Good schools. Decent, hardworking folks. Kids on bikes everywhere you turn. But even the friendliest of suburbs needs somebody to make sure it stays friendly, and that's where you come in. Armed with the finest vests and flashlights the HOA could buy, you and your fellow homeowners patrol the streets as Milton's Neighborhood Watch. You usually handle minor things, like escaped cats and teenagers out after curfew. But last night, a big ole' rip in the air spilled all sorts of strange things out on a neighbor's lawn, and it hasn't sealed itself back up yet.
Now everyone's nervous. Pets are missing. Kids keeps throwing rock in, and it's making what's on the other side mad. It's time to do something about this, to take action. It's time to meet up and bicker about it.
Re: That Rip in Time and Space is a comedy larp inspired by Stranger Things and its sidelined adults set in modern times. Suburb dweller costumiming, safety vests, and flashlights are greatly appreciated, but not required.
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Intercon U (2022) |
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