The Room Where It Happens
System: LARP
Deltakere: 4 players
✏️ | Elisabeth Cohen |
✏️ | Michael Von Korff |
The year is 1790. As the generation that fought the American revolutionary war struggles to define the nature and destiny of the new nation they created, ideological rifts have divided the country, the Congress, and even President Washington’s closest circle of advisors. In the midst of this crisis, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson has invited Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton to join him for dinner along with House Leader James Madison so that the three can try to work things out between them; at the last minute, George Washington secretly joins the trio. Can these American heroes resolve their differences, avert the present crisis, and save their beloved Union?
The Room Where It Happens is a historical larp for four players, centering on the Compromise of 1790, the "dinner table bargain" recently immortalized in the Broadway musical Hamilton. No prior knowledge of American history is required. The characters (Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, Washington) are all male, but players of all genders are (of course) welcome and encouraged.
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Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019) |
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