Eclectic Dream Summit
System: LARP
Deltakere: 16 players
✏️ | Kendra Beckler |
The international community is in chaos after Eve, a notoriously anti-human super AI, took an entire orbital colony hostage today. Protesters throughout every megalopolis are calling for harsh reductions in AI rights as public sentiment turns against all of Eve's kind.
Eve is expected to announce her list of demands soon. An emergency taskforce has been called by ECLECTIC DREAM, the Emergency Congress for Legislative, Economic, and Coordinated Tactical Inter-Colonial Defense Responsive to Exotic Adversaries in the Matrix. The Chambeaux mansion on the Moon Colony is now playing host to a diverse group - diplomats, cyber cowboys, pop idols, lowlife hustlers, and more - sent by interested corporations, governments, and shadow organizations. No one knows yet what sorts of talents will be most useful on the taskforce. No one knows yet which outside interests will end up pulling the strings of the taskforce and coming out ahead after the crisis.
Everyone is purportedly here to resolve the crisis and to free the citizens of the Hisseldale cylinder, whether by negotiating with Eve and complying with her demands or by organizing a militant response from the other colonies and megalopoli, but you can't trust that their priorities are on the up-and-up. After all, yours aren't.
Cyberpunk set in the Sprawl, a world with sentient AIs, cloning, personality uploading, cryonics, and cybernetics, a super AI has gone rogue and taken hostage an entire orbital colony. Eclectic Dream Summit is a game of identity, deception, scandal, cyberpolitics, the limits of humanity, and maybe even resolving this crisis.
Eclectic Dream Summit is the 2nd in the Sprawl series, taking place approximately 20 years after the events of Ascent to Hisseldale. LARPs in the Sprawl series are independent. They require no knowledge of any others in the series and have minimal spoilers.
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Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019) |
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