How Fortunate the Man With None
System: LARP
Deltakere: 6-12 players
✏️ | David Simkins |
Politics and intrigue in a fictional city resembling renaissance Venice. The autocratic governor plans to begin her retirement at midnight, by drinking a lethal dose of hemlock. She offers the troublesome power-players in her city an opportunity to work out their differences, one way or another, and come up with a single, stable government. Failure means chaos, death, and tragedy will touch everyone in the city. Players play the leaders of the major factions of the city facing a short deadline. This is a game of power politics and tough negotiation for the future of a city hanging onto its order and sanity by a thread.
How Fortunate is primarily a negotiation game, but everyone is armed and violence can be politics in another form (though death is unlikely). While the characters will be striving to win, players are encouraged to explore the complex and tense relationships between and within factions.
The game contains some mature themes in background - implications of past violence, injustice, family turmoil, betrayal, and endless poisonings and political machinations. This is a negotiation among people who do not necessarily like each other. Players should be 16 or older.
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Intercon R (2018) |
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