Golden Cobra Sampler
System: LARP
Deltakere: 4-21 players
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Golden Cobra
✏️ | Evan Torner |
The **Golden Cobra** is an annual game contest designed to create accessible new freeform larps, occupying the middle space between tabletop and full-blown live action role playing. Come play some of our mechanics-light, collaborative games from our first 3 years! These games are short, so we'll likely be able to play more than one during the slot.
**Sample Games** include:
• _Still Life_ (In competition: IndieCade 2016) –– Play existential rocks in a rock garden.
• _Group Date_ (In competition: IndieCade 2016) -- Multiple-personalities negotiate how to manage speed-dating.
• _A Crow Funeral_ -- What to do when one of your murder is murdered?
...and more!
Because multiple games are able to be chosen, and these are all largely transparent in terms of their content, we will be able to choose the right games for the right sub-groups. All ages are welcome.
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Intercon Q (2017) |
- Samples from scenarios from Golden Cobra Challenge
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