1870: Container
System: LARP
Deltakere: 10 players, Male characters: 5, Female characters: 1, Characters that are not strictly defined as male or female: 4
✏️ | Jason Alonso |
✏️ | Catherine Havasi |
The year is 1870 in London, England. It is the time of Jules Verne and Charles Dickens. Technology is advancing at an unheard-of pace, new discoveries are being made every day, but grime and poverty are commonplace. A new class of industrial magnates find themselves catapulted to power, their family businesses transformed almost overnight into influential new industries. But Europe is a powder-keg waiting to explode, and an uneasy war has just begun between France and Prussia.
Against this backdrop, a trading summit has been called on a floating museum in the London Harbor. Aboard this stationary and seemly impossible craft, five magnates and their entourages have been summoned by a shadowy but failing industrial power named Rose & Prop. It promises to be an opportunity of a lifetime to exchange goods and make connections. It seems to be an evening full of singular opportunities... what could possibly go wrong?
Container is a game about industrialization, mass production, and the modernization of science. It is about the legacy parents leave their children. It is about searching for mystery in a world that seems to have none left.
Container focuses on role playing, character, and discussion with no easy answers. It is a historically-consistent yet alternative history with actual historical figures as playable characters, is relatively mechanics/combat light, and has long short-story style character sheets.
Some character sheets can be very long for Intercon but are written as short stories. Don't worry, we'll cast quickly. Unavoidable triggers: Almost every character has a difficult relationship with their parents and we use nerf guns in the running of the game (though player combat is mostly RPS). This probably isn't a great game for kids. Contact GM prior to registration if under 18.
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Intercon O (2015) |
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