Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
System: LARP
Deltakere: 20-22 players, Male characters: 2-4, Female characters: 3, Characters that are not strictly defined as male or female: 15
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MIT Assassins' Guild
✏️ | Charles Leiserson |
✏️ | Ariel Segall |
✏️ | Brian Sniffen |
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
It is the end of an age. The old Galactic Republic is falling, and no one is sure what will replace it. The head of the Galactic Senate has taken personal control of the military, and is beginning to solidify his power base on the many outer planets. Even now the troops are landing.
Tatooine has always been a haven for the less savory side of society. Smugglers, bounty hunters, and slavers ply their trades freely under the watchful rule of the local Hutt crime lords. Due to these uncertain times, the spaceport has gained an additional influx of refugees, spies, and other folks who keep their business to themselves.
It is evening in the Cantina, and a sandstorm has confined everyone inside....
_ **Star Wars Episode 2-1/2: Wretched Hive of Scum and Villiany** is an old-style Star Wars game, written in 2000 and set twenty years before **Episode IV: A New Hope**. Episodes I, II, and III never happened._
_Trigger warning: Character murder, and repercussions of racism and slavery._
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Intercon N (2014) |
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