System: LARP
Deltakere: 8 players, Male characters: 4, Female characters: 4
✏️ | Alex Arkhipov |
✏️ | Kimberley Beder |
✏️ | Andrea Lincoln |
Genre is a three-hour highly collaborative, improv-heavy game about genres, tropes, and deconstruction. Each player portrays a character archetype across multiple genres, as well as in Meta-space. Each genre starts with a basic framework of characters and scenario and is expanded with Scene cards and player interpretation.
This game is, in some ways, “TV Tropes the LARP.” If you like TV Tropes, improv, or this sort of media/cultural analysis, then this is a game you might enjoy! Having played Genre before does not preclude you from playing again.
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Intercon N (2014) |
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