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The Monster's Ball

System: LARP
Deltakere: 3 players, Male characters: 1, Female characters: 1, Characters that are not strictly defined as male or female: 1

Arrangert av

Turtleshell Productions


✏️Will Wagner


Virginia always believed in the monster under the bed, and in the closet, and... well, everywhere. They talked to her all the time, they told her secrets that none of the adults ever believed (but she knew were true). The kids at school thought she was weird. Her neighbors thought she was a snoop. Her parents sent her to the best therapists, but they didn't understand either. Today was Virginia's fifteenth birthday party, but none of the kids that her parents invited were really her friends... so tonight, she invited her REAL friends to her REAL party. Unfortunately, nothing is ever quite simple (or safe) when the monsters gather together... This is a light-hearted game written for tween to teens.

Kids are not required to sign up as full Intercon Attendees. To handle this, registration of the KIDS roles for this game will be handled [HERE]( The first \*9\* entries by kids will get cast. I will send a confirmation email to the registrants as I view their surveys and I will note here when the game is full for the kids roles.

There are THREE adult roles which can be filled. Those will be handled on priority basis... ONE parent of a kid who answered "no" to "Will you play if your parent is NOT in the game?" will get priority. If there are roles after that, ONE parent of a playing kid will get spot(s) in sign up order. (Just so you know, there is ONE adult male, ONE adult female and ONE gender neutral role.)

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Intercon M (2013)

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