The Labyrinth of the Minotaur
System: LARP
Deltakere: 4-20 players
✏️ | Nick Martucci |
Congratulations! We picked you to be sacrificed to horrendous, loathsome monstrosity known as the Minotaur . It's nothing personal. We had a plague to avert and we never did really care much for you. Lucky for you, the Minotaur doesn't really want human flesh. He's also grown quite bored, living alone in his Labyrinth. He'd really like to play a game. You are the contestant. You're playing for your life, and you must do what you can to survive. Entertain him. Answer his riddles. Perform tasks for him. If you can adequately appease the beast, he'll be more than happy to tell you how to escape the labyrinth, and you can continue existing however you please. If not, though...well, Minotaur's gotta eat.
Get ready for problem solving, scavenger hunting, and all sorts of tomfoolery. If you're looking for a strong plot and lots of character development, look elsewhere. If you want to sing, dance, and have fun just generally making a fool out of yourself, then be prepared to enter THE LABYRINTH OF THE MINOTAUR!
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Intercon L (2012) |
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