Bruno the Bandit
System: LARP
Deltakere: 16-30 players
✏️ | Cynthia Wakefield |
Welcome, citizens of Rothland!
It's the birthday of our beloved King Xerxes, and he's invited the great and the good to dine with him at his palace. From around the world they'll come, eager to eat the royal food, guzzle the royal booze, schmooze the royal retainers and suck up to the King. More importantly, they will bring **really good gifts.** King Xerxes _likes_ receiving really good gifts.
In particular, Rothland's notorious criminal element -- including that loathsome reprobate, Bruno the Bandit -- cannot be allowed to interfere with (or rob) this most important gathering. To be absolutely sure of this, King Xerxes has ordered the Rothland Imperial Guard to round up every crook, thief, and Syndicate member in the city.
This is going to make an awful lot of people very, very unhappy.
_Bruno the Bandit: Happy Birthday, Xerxes!_ is a slapstick caper comedy of nobles and criminals outfoxing and robbing one another at the highest and lowest points of society.
**No previous knowledge of [_Bruno the Bandit_]( is required for 26 out of the game's 30 available roles.** In addition, many of the provided characters have only single brief appearances in the comic strip, so players who prefer to play original characters will have considerable creative freedom.
(For those who _are_ familiar with the [_Bruno the Bandit_]( comic strip, this story takes place during the storyline "Dice.")
_Bruno the Bandit and all related characters are © Ian McDonald, all rights reserved, used with permission. This is an official Bruno the Bandit licensed LARP._
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Intercon I (2009) |
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