Rising Phoenix Party
System: LARP
Deltakere: 0-99 players
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Rising Phoenix Games
✏️ | Erica Berger |
RPG Party - PJ extravaganza!
After roleplaying all night, come wind down with us! Put on your favorite fuzzy slippers and your comfiest flannels, and saunter on down to the Merrimack room.
The after- game treats include air-popped popcorn, rootbeer floats and all the things that make a PJ party fun.
Also sign up for our "Who's Line (Intercon?) is it Anyways?" and get a real laugh out of your friends. There will be free board games, or just curl up with your favorite teddy and watch the insanity.
See you there!
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Intercon G (2007) |
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