The Prime Directive
System: LARP
Deltakere: 9-14 players
✏️ | Rei Hampden-Turner |
Rei Hampden-Turner |
Your presence is required for the Starfleet Court Martial of a Starship crew. Together, the witnesses will reconstruct the events that led them here, with prompting from the questioners.
What happened on the planet? Who violated the prime directive? Was there a mutiny? Where are the missing scientists? Or did something else happen entirely?
This is an improvised game which uses collaborative storytelling techniques to tell a story of the conflicts experienced by a Star Trek crew on a mission. The tone is not intended to be too dark; think of a typical Star Trek episode. The theme is that of conflicting ideals and cultures, and the dilemmas that can arise from the clash of different yet valid points of view.
The game uses a court martial scenario as a framework, and witnesses will need to defend their actions for the questioners as they make use of holodeck reconstructions of the events. Witnesses may remember some things differently; some may even be lying.
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Imaginary Consequences (2015) |
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