New Hopes
System: Friform
Deltakere: 1 GM, 6 players
✏️ | Thaddeus Rice |
The Jedi-Sith War has Ended, and the Great Republic is dawning.
Set 1030 years before The Battle of Yavin, and right after the signing of the Yavin Accords.
A distress beacon found on the salvage desert planet of Jakku, could lead the Jedi to the wreckage of the Jedi Cruiser "Light in the Darkness", which was lost during the war in battle with the Sith Destroyer "Fire of Vengeance". A team of Jedi and Republic spacers sets out from Jedha to Jakku to investigate! But a great debate distracts the Jedi, should the Jedi build an Academy on Coruscant and take the role of official peacekeepers of the Galactic Republic?
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GuardianCON XIX (2021) |
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