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der Larp Conference (2025)

Sted: Youth Hostel Wiesbaden, Tyskland 🗺️
Dato: 10. - 13. januar 2025

Del av: Other

Om kongressen:

A new conference is arriving on the horizon of larp conferences. Not just any - it's “der Larp Conference”.

What is the difference between this one and other larp conferences? We don’t want to talk about theories or studies too much, but rather focus on practical aspects of larp organization. There are so many awesome people out there, who would like to design their own larp, but are missing practical tools.

How do you design a great character? How to create and facilitate an engaging workshop? What financial issues should I keep in mind? You are a website expert, but have yet to write a plot? Give help, get help! You'd like to create a classic fantasy event with a twist, a sandbox horror regency larp, a short form larp in a hot tub or something completely different: all shades of larp are beautiful and welcome!

We want to co-create and learn from each other.

So join us for four days of talks, workshops, networking and parties. We will meet in the Youth Hostel Wiesbaden, near Frankfurt (Main), easily reachable for locals and internationals. Come and learn, meet old and new friends and just have a great time.

Vi har ikke hatt tilgang til programmet for denne kongressen, så oversikten over spill er kun basert på eksterne kilder, hukommelse, rykter og så videre. Derfor er den kanskje ikke komplett. Send oss en rettelse.


Organizer Björn Butzen
Organizer Julia Langt
Organizer Kathi Kramer
Organizer Steve Deutsch


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