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Hearts on Trial

RPG system: Changeling: The Lost 2e
Participants: 5 players


✏️Per Henden


Changeling er samtidsfantasy. Du er ikke lenger bare menneske etter at De Andre kidnappet deg og tvang deg til å slite for dem i Arkadia. Nå er du tilbake i verden. Den er farlig, med monstre og magi.
Vi spiller et butikkkjøpt intro-eventyr med ferdiglagde roller. Det går bra å tweake litt på rollene slik at de passer bedre.
Passer for de som har spilt rollespill før og liker undring og dystre undertoner.
Once upon a time...
That’s how the stories always start, but you know better. You know it wasn’t once upon a time, but just yesterday. Just tomorrow. Just every day for the rest of your life.
Welcome to the Chronicles of Darkness. A world like our own, but more beautiful, more terrible; infinitely more dangerous and more tempting. Faerie monsters from your nightmares and your wildest fantasies reach out from the other side of dreams.
You know, because you’ve been there. And you’ve come back, forever changed.
You are a changeling, one of the Lost. You’ll never let them take you again. You swear it.

Se Kickstartervideoen her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3GiU9-HprA

Played at

ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)


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