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Mystronics Class

(AKA: Mystronik-timen)


✏️Staffan Andersson
✏️Jesper Bruun


It’s the schools year’s first lesson in Mystronics. All students are excited. Some have looked forward to this day, while others just need to complete the class to get onward in the system. Some dream of a career as mystronician.

A new professor have been hired for the teaching, one with highly unorthodox teaching methods. The board of professors are naturally sceptic, but secretly many professors are curious and fascinated by the new methods.

In this larp you will play student or teacher in the first Mystronics class of the year. The larp is based on research in education development and teaching strategies for students. The subject, Mystronics, is invented for the larp but lies somewhere between classic grammar and complex systems.

Det er skoleårets første Mystronik-time. Alle elever er spændte. Nogle har set frem til denne dag, mens andre bare skal have faget overstået, så de kan komme videre i systemet. Nogle drømmer om en karriere som mystroniker.

En ny professor er blevet hyret til undervisningen, en med højst uortodokse undervisningsmetoder. Professorstanden er naturligvis skeptisk, men inderst inde er mange professorer nysgerrige og fascinerede af de nye metoder.

I dette scenarie skal du spille elev eller lærer i årets første Mystronik-time. Scenariet er baseret på forskning indenfor undervisningsudvikling og læringsstrategier for studerende. Faget Mystronik er opfundet til lejligheden, men ligger på grænsen mellem klassisk grammatik og komplekse systemer.

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Blackbox Cph V (2015)

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