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Scars of the Third Crusade

Front page for Scars of the Third Crusade

RPG system: Pathfinder
Genre: Fantasy

Organized by

Pathfinder Society


The fiery inquisitions that raged through Mendev during the Third Mendevian Crusade may have been damped but never truly extinguished. Fanatics have reignited the witch-hunts in eastern Mendev, and in doing so they have captured and accused allies of the Pathfinder Society. Unless the PCs intercede and put a stop to this mob justice, their allies deaths will spark a new wave of internecine executions throughout the crusader nation.

Nyttig information: Dette spil er for karakterer på levels 1-5. Der er mulighed for at være med, hvis du har en nyskabet karakter, du gerne vil have prøvet af. Ellers kan du få udleveret en pre-generet karakter.

“The fiery inquisitions that raged through Mendev during the Third Mendevian Crusade may have been damped but never truly extinguished. Fanatics have reignited the witch-hunts in eastern Mendev, and in doing so they have captured and accused allies of the Pathfinder Society. Unless the agents intercede and put a stop to this mob justice, their allies’ deaths will spark a new wave of internecine executions throughout the crusader nation.”

Played at

Avacon (2014)
Gaelcon (2016)


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