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OrganizerRonja Lofstad
OrganizerMartin Nielsen
OrganizerGrethe Sofie Strand


In a prisoncell sits Allen Anderson and awaits his execution. He’s been sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, Holly. It’s the last hour of his life. Have he come to terms with what he’s done? In the prison are also Allen’s and Holly’s families, waiting to witness the execution. The doctor, the priest and the prison staff prepare for the execution. What is it like to work at death row?

What are the families thinking and feeling about the murderer and the murdered? How do they remember Holly and Allen and the events that led to the murder? The doctor, the priest and the prison staff prepare for the execution .

Huntsville has been played in Norway, Sweden, France, Lithuania, Belarus and Palestine. For the first time in Denmark.

In a prisoncell sits Allen Anderson and awaits his execution. He's been sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, Holly. It's the last hour of his life. Have he come to terms with what he's done? In the prison are also Allen's and Holly's families, waiting to witness the execution. What are they thinking and feeling about the murderer and the murdered? How do they remember Holly and Allen and the events that led to the murder?

Huntsville is a game about death penalty and the people who are directly affected by it.

Played at

Prolog (2013)
Grenselandet (2013)
Black Box Horsens (2015)


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