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Ingen Vej Ud

Front page for Ingen Vej Ud

Genre: Novellescenarie
Participants: 5 players


✏️Jesper Stein Sandal


PDF Scenario [Danish] (2 MB)
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PDF Handouts [Danish] (2.3 MB)
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PDF Characters [English] (1.2 MB)
PDF Handouts [English] (2.8 MB)
🎵 Lydspor (23 MB)


»Tails, we'll try the flooded corridor to the west. Heads, and we'll climb into the chasm to the east.«

No Way Out is the story of an epic dungeon crawl that went wrong. The adventurers were lowered into the super dungeon of Undermountain beneath Waterdeep hoping that they would find riches, honor, fame, or their freedom. But what should have been a simple mission has turned into a nightmare that drives the adventurers deeper into the darkness. Mentally as well as literally.

None of them knows exactly how long they have wandered in the dark, or where they are. They live off what they can scavenge, while they fight to stay alive against monsters, traps, and each other.

Down there in the darkness, each of them has made terrible choices. Soon they must all face the consequences of their actions, and as a player you will lead the adventurers through the last rooms of the dungeon before the final deliverance. It is a group of souls with each their secrets, wanting to be brought out into the light. This will spark suspicion, lust, shame, sacrifice, and betrayal.

As a player you will take an active part in creating the story within the framework of the simple game mechanics, which will set the pace of the game and stir the conflicts between the characters. The characters are what drive the action forward, and drama and emotional tension are a part of it from the start.

You don't need any knowledge of a particular game setting or rules system, but you are more likely to enjoy the game if you have at one time in your gaming career tried a dungeon crawl.

Timeframe: Approx. 2 hours
Number of Players: 5
Genre: Fantasy/Drama
Players: Part drama queen with a flair for scheming. You can immerse yourself in the part and at the same time take responsibility for carrying the story forward.
Game Masters: Referee with a taste for mindfucks.

»Plat, så prøver vi den oversvømmede korridor mod vest. Krone, så kravler vi ned i slugten mod øst.«

Ingen Vej Ud handler om en dungeon crawl af episke proportioner. Eventyrerne blev sammen sænket ned i superdungeonen Undermountain under Waterdeep i håb om at finde rigdom, ære, berømmelse eller deres frihed. Men det, der skulle have været en simpel mission, har nu udviklet sig til et mareridt, som driver eventyrerne længere ned i mørket. Både bogstaveligt og billedligt.

Ingen af dem ved præcis, hvor længe de har gået i mørket, eller hvor de er. De lever af, hvad de finder, mens de forsøger at holde sig i live mod monstre, fælder og hinanden, indtil de finder en vej ud.

Undervejs har de hver især truffet skæbnesvangre valg. Nu nærmer tiden sig for, at de skal stå til regnskab, og du skal som spiller føre eventyrerne gennem de sidste rum i dungeonen før den endelige forløsning. Det er en gruppe skæbner, som hver især rummer hemmeligheder, der nu skal op til overfladen. Det kommer til at udløse mistro, begær, skam, selvopofrelse og forræderi.

Du skal som spiller være forberedt på at være med til at skabe fortællingen inden for rammen af en simpel spilmekanik, der sætter spillets tempo og opbygger konflikter. Scenariet har fokus på, at spilpersonerne skal bære handlingen, og der vil være drama og følelser fra scenariets begyndelse.

Der kræves intet kendskab til et bestemt fantasyunivers eller regelsæt, men som spiller vil du nok have størst fornøjelse med scenariet, hvis du har prøvet en klassisk dungeon crawl.

Played at

Fastaval (2011)
MoseCONnen brygger! (2022)


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