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Dying Debate

RPG system: LARP


OrganizerMeghan Gardner
OrganizerKjell Hugaas


An intense larp about deciding on end of life procedures for a loved one

Dying Debate is designed for adults who might one day navigate the complexities of having aging parents with severe health issues. Set in a hospital's dementia ward, the game places players in the heart of a challenging scenario: Their parent, who is 59 years of age, has severe dementia, can no longer feed themselves, and suffers from frequent anxiety and outbursts. The parent has not left any end-of-life directives. The doctor needs to know if the adult children want their parent to have the surgery for a feeding tube. Through their interactions, players will explore their personal beliefs and the impact of their decisions not only on their parent’s life but also on their familial relationships.

Played at

Knutepunkt (2025)

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