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Root and Branch

Front page for Root and Branch

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 6-16 players


✏️Alex Brown


This is the story of humanoid creatures from a distant future time and space who evolved in symbiosis with the forest. In this world, a dream is the root of one’s identity, and has the same importance as waking reality.

Guided by collective dreams, stories will branch in non-linear directions, affecting past, present and future. Under threat from an aggressive rival, the forest is slowly taken away, and our protagonists struggle to hold on to their power.

Tagline: An ecology of dreams in omnidirectional time.
Where: The Black Box
When: Saturday 11.00 – 15.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: 4 hours
Participants: 6-16
Language: English

Played at

Blackbox Cph (2025)

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