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The Last Moot

Front page for The Last Moot

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 9-21 players


✏️Mikkel Brunberg


The Trolls live in the dense forests on the slopes of the mighty mountains. At The Big Moot they re-connect, dance and tell the tales of the world in their long-forgotten language.

But The Time of Humans has arrived. As the vast forests are cut down and rapidly dwindle every troll must decide: Will I take on human form and survive by the monotonous life of The Big Machine – or forever become one with the stone beneath us all?

Tagline: A poetic drama of leaving yourself behind to move on.
Where: The Grand Stage
When: Thursday 17.00 – 20.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: Around 3 hours
Participants: 9-21
Language: English and Troll

Played at

Blackbox Cph (2025)

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