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Bowie, Bowie, Bowie

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 7-10 players


✏️Chris Shannon


“Mr. Bowie, your show is in just 2 hours. Mr. Bowie? Oh my! It is full of BOWIE!” With the click of the lock, your nightmare began. You are David Bowie: chameleon, comedian, corinthian, and caricature. Apparently, so is everyone else in this dressing room.

This won’t do at all.

“Bowie, Bowie, Bowie” is a lighthearted mystery and homage to the performance personas and film roles portrayed by David Robert Jones. All players will be an aspect of Bowie in a four-hour theater LARP of identity, high camp, and ch-ch-ch-changes.

Content Warnings:

Depictions of drug/alcohol use
Depictions of addiction
Content describing sexual acts
Content describing illness and death
Use of loud music
Age Restriction: Players under 18 must check with the GMs before playing

Player Communications: This game will use a basic casting form to pre-cast Bowie roles at least a month before the convention.

Played at

Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018)

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