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On the Border of War

RPG system: Pathfinder


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5-9.
Brevoy may seem a united country, but its noble houses are ever on the brink of warfare while King
Noleski Surtova struggles to keep the peace and prove his legitimacy. A neutral township's baron has died, and the loyalists of several houses have rekindled old rivalries while manoeuvring for their
respective lords to control the region. As the noble houses manoeuvre armies nearby in the name of
"peacekeeping," the teeters on the precipice of war. Hostilities could spell the end of a famous ruin
that the Society is yet to document, and Pathfinders must travel into the powder keg region to delay
hostilities long enough to salvage and study the site. For the truly ambitious, it may be possible to
avert the war altogether, but canny nobles as likely to see the PCs as pawns as mediators.

Played at

BeAcon III (2017)

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