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One Of Our Airships Is Missing

RPG system: Manifold


OrganizerMartin Pickett


Kathy Clemens, Mayor of Victoriana and Commander of the Sky Guard, is missing. She was last seen departing on her personal airship to investigate reports of unrest in the southern regions beyond the border. The southern regions inhabited by the Great Green Martian Horde. The Great Green Martian Horde that has been involved in a number of skirmishes with the Sky Guard lately.

The Sky Guard has sent a patrol after Mayor Clemens, to find out what has happened. Can they find the Mayor and get her back to Victoriana safely? Can they get back to Victoriana safely? Can they manage either of these without starting a war with the Great Green Martian Horde?

A game of Scientific Romance and Steampunk adventure, set on the Victorian colony of Mars.

Played at

UK GamesExpo (2023)

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