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The Black Sphere

RPG system: Godlike
Participants: 1 GM, 4-5 players


OrganizerCameron Hall


Short Description: It’s 1943 and WW2 rages on despite the deployment of ‘Talents’ on both sides. As part of the TOG(Talent Operation Group) commando unit you are tasked with going deep behind enemy lines and using all your skills to survive and bring back information on: The Black Sphere.
A dark super-powered game of WW2 combat and survival. Talents, technology and horror.

Long Description: The Black Sphere is a scenario for Godlike RPG – Superhero roleplaying in a world on fire 1936-1946. Utilizing a one-roll mechanic this evocative and gritty system allows for heroic but lethal combat set during WW2, along with mature storytelling. The Black Sphere will allow players to go beyond the normal theatre of war and seek out an deadly enigma hidden behind allied lines.
A small platoon of commandos must sneak into a remote facility and uncover the truth whilst maintaining secrecy and surviving long enough to get home with the vital information. A scenario for 4-5 players with mature content.

Trigger Warnings: Horror elements, realistic depiction of warfare, existential threat, injury detail

Played at

Conpulsion (2023)

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