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An Enquiry Into The Wealth Of Matrons

RPG system: Manifold
Participants: 1 GM, 6 players


OrganizerMartin Pickett


Short Description: A consulting detective has hired you to rescue a pair of young lovers from possible doom. A Steampunk adventure on Victorian Mars.

Long Description: Horace Gladstone is the heir to significant fortune, engaged to be married to the lovely Fiona Tavistock. But Fiona’s mother Diana is a founder member of the notorious Last Wives Club, a group of rich widows who have each lost more husbands than etiquette would deem seemly. Their activities have aroused the suspicions of Mars’ pre-eminent (and only) consulting detective, Miss Margaret Walcott.
Desperate to stop the tragedy she sees coming, Margaret Walcott contacted Horace and warn him. But now Fiona and Horace have suddenly been whisked away to a “pre-wedding shooting party” by the ladies of the Club, and Margaret Walcott is sending her trusted associates, “The Landing Site Unmentionables”, to try and rescue the situation.
A game of Scientific Romance and Steampunk adventure, set on the Victorian colony of Mars.

Trigger Warnings: None

Played at

Conpulsion (2023)
UK GamesExpo (2023)

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