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Yet Another Day in the Corps

RPG system: System: 3:16
Participants: 1 GM, 4-8 players


✏️Mik Reed
OrganizerMik Reed


Ooo Rah!

Life as a Space Marine is tough. You get to trudge through mud, float over featureless rocks, be blinded in searing deserts and freeze on icy asteroids. But it's still better than what you left behind. They've given you a gun, a suit of armour and a plethora of targets. Do things right and they might give you a medal and a promotion too. Eventually you might forget why it is you wanted to come out here. Eventually.

A classic game of 3:16, players will create their marine (or possibly marines, it's not a training camp out there you know) and see the battle through across a mixture of alien worlds.

Played at

Bizarre Consequences (2008)

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