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RPG system: LARP
Participants: 10-18 players


✏️Nina Runa Essendrop
OrganizerChristi Scarborough


Strangers is a non-verbal larp exploring the themes of differing cultural norms, and how they are challenged by and adapt to the arrival of members of other cultures. The larp is abstract, and uses music and movement to workshop cultural identities. This is done by the players evolving a daily routine together within their randomly assigned culture as well as the ways in which the members of each culture interact socially with each other. Players will then explore the experience of those two cultures coming into contact as members of one culture arrive as refugees in the other one. The game explores themes such as culture, social isolation, identity, and reactions to change.

No pre-game material or costuming requirements. Comfortable black clothing recommended. The larp involves movement and will require the players to lie on the floor, so may not be suited to players with mobility difficulties. Players are requested not to talk during the pre-game workshop or the game. Instructions will be given verbally by the GM, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions and clarify how the game works in the break between the workshop and game start.

Played at

Mythic Consequences (2019)

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