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Faction Island: The Widget Hunt from Hell

RPG system: LARP

Organized by

Awry Wit Productions


✏️Ben Llewellyn


On a beautiful island in the South Seas or somewhere, Parliament has come to a standstill. There are too many factions, each vying for its own power center. Something has to give. The island Ministers decree that the factions must prove their commitments to their causes and their country by showing that they are fully self-aware and not grabbing power for its own sake. They declare the scavenger hunt. Now factions must produce items at the whim of the Ministers: an impramatur... lang... Gubblestotten... the signal of conspiracy in The Grand Duke......

This game will be in multiple parts, both before and during the con. Players will organize themselves into teams of five (and they will register for the game as a full team). The cutoff for game registration will be several weeks before the con.

If players are having trouble forming groups of five, the GM will be happy to assist.

Played at

Intercon XIV (1999)

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