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Android Beginnings

Front page for Android Beginnings

RPG system: LARP
Participants: Atropos Studios


✏️Julia Woods


We made Androids to make the world a better place.
We made them for the simple jobs, the hard work.
Work that humans did not want, so that we could live better lives.

Androids were made like self-sustaining automatons,
born from human DNA, eating and sleeping, never complaining.
They have no feelings, no remorse, no boredom.
That’s how we designed them.
Our saviours, they will carry humanity into the future.
They will deliver us from the darkness of the past.

But, some of us want more.
Always more.


This is a story of greed, of lust, of compromised morals and quick decisions. About humanity and our dreams, and how easy we lose sight of the bigger picture.

It is a story about a city where the rain has yet to fall, in a world closely resembling ours.


Android Beginnings is a larp by Atropos about the creation and development of the Androids and the choices made that paved the way for the future depicted in the Androids Trilogy. It is not necessary to know anything about that trilogy in order to enjoy the larp.

Runs 🗺️

July 8, 2022🗺️3:e Våningen, Gothenburg, Sweden
July 9, 2022🗺️3:e Våningen, Gothenburg, Sweden
July 10, 2022🗺️3:e Våningen, Gothenburg, Sweden


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