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Slave Mines of the Crystal Eye

RPG system: Dungeon World, Atisi
Participants: 1 GM, 5 players


OrganizerRichard Evans


Short description of game: Welcome to Atisi, a land of rolling sand dunes, beautiful oasis, powerful kingdoms and epic histories.
Magic is subtle, powerful if it can be manipulated, corrupting if not. Magic's shadow is not the only one that threatens, power hungry viziers, powerful cults and marauding bands of mercenaries and thieves, plague those who would just live their lives.
This is where fate finds you, a group of strangers, captured by a cult and taken to a mine in the middle of nowhere with strange sorceries keeping you docile and thrown into ‘worker’ pens. As the spell fades you find all around you the desperate faces of the lost. The question is, will you join them in despair, or are you more than these villagers? Has fate chosen well?

Dungeon World: Atisi is a Conan-esque / Bronze Age setting for PBTA Dungeon World. Just add narration.

Played at

AireCon 6 (2020)

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